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Orsett Show Championships Registration & Verification


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Your Details


Rider & Horse Details

Youth or Senior*
Horse or Pony*

Qualification Disciplines

Select the disciplines you wish to qualify in.*


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Your Details


Rider & Horse Details

Qualification Results

MM slash DD slash YYYY
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Full Information


Both horse and rider to take part in qualifying competitions. Please Note both horse and rider will be registered together.


Qualification will be obtained by converting an eligible placing, gained in an qualifying class into a verified qualification. full class criteria will be available soon.

Qualification is free. After submitting an eligible result, The Orsett Show will review your submission and, if valid, issue a unique qualification card.

Each successfully verified result entitles you to enter one championship class (with the same horse and competitor combination, discipline, and level). Each horse and competitor combination can qualify up to six times in show jumping and dressage, up to three times in eventers challenge, and an unlimited number of times in showing – although some restrictions may apply to the range of classes.

A paid entry is required to participate in the championship show. Entries open on 10th August.

Qualification does not guarantee entry availability in championship classes. We make every effort to match qualification numbers with available entry spaces. However, this is not always possible – entries are accepted in the order they are received, and some classes may fill up quickly.

Class Criteria – The rules used to judge qualifying classes (such as format, class rules, age restrictions for riders, or height, colour, and breed of the horse) may differ slightly from the championship class.

Eligible Placings

Full eligible placings will be available soon.


Qualification results must be submitted with evidence for verification (screenshot/photo of published results) within one month of the qualifying competition.

Qualification DOES NOT guarantee availability of entry.

Rules & Eligibility

Qualification can only be gained in an eligible class at an eligible centre or club, within the qualification period.

If you cannot find a registered centre or club near you, you can apply for an Open Qualifier. Email for information.

Verifiable results must be submitted within one month of a qualifying competition (by 31st January for Early Qualifiers and by 4th August for July Qualifiers).

Restrictions on amateur status, previous experience, and competitive success apply to both horse and competitor.

The horse and competitor must comply with these restrictions at the time of qualification and at the time of the championships.

Qualification is awarded to a horse and competitor combination – no substitutes are permitted.